Company News


elumatec AG

A company passionate about and committed to kickstarting young people’s careers


The summer holidays are over and most of our staff have gone back to work. And in September, scores of young, dynamic and inquisitive men and women are beginning their training at companies around the world, including elumatec. Four budding mechatronics engineers and two prospective industrial clerks joined our group of trainees this September, bringing the number up to 21 proud men and women. elumatec has offered training as a mechatronics engineer or industrial clerk for many years, as well as a dual study programme in mechanical engineering with the Baden Württemberg Cooperative State University. Young elumatec trainees can expect a structured, varied training programme, including experience of a wide range of different workplaces and departments such as Assembly or Quality Assurance. "It is particularly important to us that our trainees gain a broad spectrum of knowledge across a wide range of business areas, and above all that they become completely familiar with our products. This benefits us a company, as of course we hope that our young trainees remain with us once their training is complete", said Bernd Hadamofsky, Head of Training at elumatec.

The elumatec training team (left to right): Ulrich Köppl, Peter Hentzschel, Lisa Schiller, Bernd Hadamofsky

Image copyright: elumatec AG, Mühlacker


Of course when one training course ends, another one begins, and so elumatec will be in attendance at the 17th edition of the Training Exchange in Mühlacker. On Saturday 13 October, trainees and training staff from elumatec AG will be on hand to give schoolchildren, parents and other interested parties an insight into the skilled jobs on offer at the company, answer questions and offer individual advice on request.

We would be delighted to meet you, your children, friends or acquaintances at our information stand C15 in the Mühlacker vocational training centre - applications for 2019 are open now!

The elumatec AG stand at the Training Exchange 2017

Image copyright: elumatec AG, Mühlacker