
Flexible and close to customers

elumatec Croatia now also serves Slovenia


Since 1 April 2018 our Croatian office in Zagreb has served elumatec customers in Slovenia, bringing us closer to our customers and making our service more flexible. CEO Petar Stengl and his team in Zagreb now ensure that machines as well as spare and wearing parts are supplied more quickly. In addition, he has taken over responsibility for personal customer service, keeping customers up to date with technological developments and improvements to elumatec solutions.

Zagreb, close to the border, is also where the service technicians who will serve Slovenian customers are based, making working processes even more efficient. "In addition to quality and world-leading technology, first-class customer service is the most important factor in our success, and we have proved that once again with the restructuring of our operations in Zagreb", said elumatec CEO Ralf Haspel.

If you wish to get in touch with Mr Stengl, his contact details are: 
elumatec d.o.o.
IX Juzna obala 22
10020 Zagreb
Phone +385 1 6520 008
Fax +385 1 6520 011